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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bhaktin Laxmi Priya

Today a new resident moved to Mayapur. Her name is Laxmi Priya and although she is not married she will not be staying in the bramacharini ashram. Since she eats about 150 pounds of food every day she will probably not be dining at any of the prasadam halls. Despite her hefty weight and wrinkles all of the bramacharis are anxious to do service for her.

After two years our Iskcon Mayapur has another ELEPHANT (hati)! She is eight years old and since elephants live to be up to 70 years old she is a mere youngster. Everyone misses Radha Madhava's old elephant Gulab Kali. So Laxmi Priya has come to perform Gulab Kali's old service of taking Radha Mdhava around the complex during the Saturday processions.

The kids were especially excited watching Laxmi Priya eat her breakfast of an entire Banana tree and then some.

I will put up some pictures as soon as I take some.


Laxmi Priya ki jai!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a very lucky elephant!! I am sure Bala is happy to have a new friend around!