We finally arrived in Mayapura.
The spiritual abodes of Vrindaban and Mayapura are considered to be nondifferent in spiritual value. Vrindavan requires a higher degree of purification to appreciate. Mayapura however is considered to be audurya dhama which means the most magnanimous holy place. It is much easier for neophyte devotees to appreciate the presence of the Lord here in Mayapura.
Yesterday we walked to the Ganga. Bala has heard many stories of great sages and rsis living on the banks of the Ganges so he was in awe when he was finally was able to personally visit the Ganges River. He was telling me so many stories as we were walking there.
It is also the month of Kartika. This is a month where whatever devotional service is performed is amplified in its effect many thousand times over. When you add that to the benefit of being in Mayapur, the good fortune only increases. In fact it is so much easier to focus on our japa and kirtan mediation here as well as our spiritual studies.
In the book entitled Nectar of Devotion there is a list of 64 primary qualities of the Lord. One of those qualities is compassion. The Lord is the most compassionate and that compassion is available to anyone who willingly accepts. Of course one must know how to properly identify and accept that compassion. One of the ways in which the Lord is compassionate is by giving these holy sites like Mayapura and Vrindavan because it is in these places where one can easily and swiftly realize the absolute truth. There are many other qualities of the Lord and I will present many of them in later blogs.
Hope all is well!
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