There is a young Vaisnava here in Mayapur who is wholeheartedly taking advantage of his auspicious birth in a Vaishnava family. Ramacandra Kaviraj Prabhu is only 17 years old and yet he has already become qualified to take Brahman initiation. These days we generally do not see many people taking first what to speak of second initiation at such a young age. However by observing his character and determination to pursue pure devotional service Indradyumna Swami gave him first initiation at 15 years old and second initation at 17 years old. I remember this kartika when he had just come back to Mayapur from Vrindavan we ran into each other while walking to the temple. He was not in the mood of “showing off” his newfound spiritual birth and said nothing about it. However I noticed the thread around his neck and he very modestly admitted that he had just taken brahminical initiation. A month or so later he enrolled in the first deity worship school here in Mayapur (Mayapur Acadamy). As he progressed through the course he was engaged in experiential learning by daily offering camara to Panca Tattva. We were all very inspired to see such a young boy taking this brahminical lifestyle seriously. After receiving blessings from the Vaisnavas from Alachua he came to Mayapur in the beginning of 2007. Ever since then we have seen that due to his sincere endeavor Krishna is giving him glorious opportunities, clear intelligence and inspiration to move closer the goal. He will be leaving Mayapur in June to visit his family who are also very sincere devotees. Then in September he will go to continue his education at the spiritually oriented college in Europe, Bhaktivedanta College. Please give Ramachandra Kaviraja your blessings.