We are able to maintain ourselves here in Mayapur through your kind donations. Support a Teacher!

Friday, May 23, 2008

My o my, how they are growing up!

There is a young Vaisnava here in Mayapur who is wholeheartedly taking advantage of his auspicious birth in a Vaishnava family. Ramacandra Kaviraj Prabhu is only 17 years old and yet he has already become qualified to take Brahman initiation. These days we generally do not see many people taking first what to speak of second initiation at such a young age. However by observing his character and determination to pursue pure devotional service Indradyumna Swami gave him first initiation at 15 years old and second initation at 17 years old. I remember this kartika when he had just come back to Mayapur from Vrindavan we ran into each other while walking to the temple. He was not in the mood of “showing off” his newfound spiritual birth and said nothing about it. However I noticed the thread around his neck and he very modestly admitted that he had just taken brahminical initiation. A month or so later he enrolled in the first deity worship school here in Mayapur (Mayapur Acadamy). As he progressed through the course he was engaged in experiential learning by daily offering camara to Panca Tattva. We were all very inspired to see such a young boy taking this brahminical lifestyle seriously. After receiving blessings from the Vaisnavas from Alachua he came to Mayapur in the beginning of 2007. Ever since then we have seen that due to his sincere endeavor Krishna is giving him glorious opportunities, clear intelligence and inspiration to move closer the goal. He will be leaving Mayapur in June to visit his family who are also very sincere devotees. Then in September he will go to continue his education at the spiritually oriented college in Europe, Bhaktivedanta College. Please give Ramachandra Kaviraja your blessings.


Friday, May 16, 2008

How to see the sun.

A fanciful landlord once became very anxious to see the sun in a new-moon night sky. The flattering sycophants of the landlord said, "When you, our lord, desires, it must be fulfilled. We should set up in this world such an exemplary deed so that everyone will glorify you and follow the same example."

Flattering thus, one of the sycophants brought in a huge lantern and held it up towards the sky, saying, "Look here, my lord, can you see the sun?"

Two other sycophants then pleaded, "The sun cannot be seen in such a little amount of light from one lantern. Let us arrange for ten thousand candles and power lighting."

So even that was arranged for, as the landlord desired. Some of the scientific-minded friends of the landlord made an attempt to show the sun to the landlord with the help of powerful electric lighting arrangement. But all such efforts made by the scientists concerned were simply in vain.

Then a considerate person who was present there explained to the landlord that he could never see the sun in the night even if all the electric lighting arrangements in the world were assembled together -it would simply be a wastage of power, money and time. So, he must wait till sunrise to see the sun. Only with the help of sunshine can one see the sun. The sun can never be seen with the help of any other artificial light.


Similarly, every attempt of the scientists, archaeologists, and other people under illusion, to see and realize the eternal form of the transcendental Supreme Lord, full of bliss and knowledge, with the help of so-called mundane knowledge acquired through material senses and speculative reasoning, is only self-deceiving.

As the sun can never be seen in the night even with the help of hundreds of artificial lighting arrangements, similarly, the constitutional form of Lord Sri Hari and the spiritual master and the Vaisnavas is never visible through hundreds of attempts with the help of so-called mundane knowledge acquired by the material senses of the living entities.

As the sun is visible only in the sunlight, realization of the truly constitutional forms of Lord Sri Hari, guru or the Vaisnava, will only be possible under their mercy. The spiritual master can not be assessed through a slighted understanding. Any living being conditioned under illusionary mentality can not make a proper assessment of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Controller of illusion and of the real Vaisnava who is conversant with Krsna Consciousness.

by: Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Would you like to help Prakash?

(This is a post that I have placed on several other sites.)

For the last five years or so our school in Mayapur (SMIS) have had a very special student in our school. This boy, named Prakash, was born right across the street from the Yogapitha (the appearance place of Gauranga Mahaprabhu). His father helped build Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi and has performed many other services for the community. Prakash has had the opportunity to attend our school for the last five years only because of the financial sponsorship from a generous well wisher. He is a very bright student, well liked among the students and has a pleasant demeanor. Unfortunately, the sponsor is no longer able to continue the sponsorship. We are trying to find a sponsor or sponsors so that he continue his academic, social and spiritual education with us . If we do not find a sponsor soon then he will have to go elsewhere for his education. He has strong desire to stay here with his friends and well wishing teachers. So if you would like to do some service for one of Mayapur’s dhamabasi’s please let us know. The approximate fees are as follows:


Rs 2200/USD $60 day school fees

Rs 4400/USD $115 for ashram (provides room and board, many extracurricular activities, good association and guidance)

If you would be willing to help with his tuition or would like more information please write to me at gaura.nitai.rns@gmail.com or you can contact the school directly at e-mail: smis@pamho.net Phone (03472) 245 363

I have written a few articles about our school on my blog at gauranitaidas.com and the schools website is mayapurschool.com

Pakka am

It is mango season in India!!! The mangoes that are available here are far better than the ones we get in the States. They do not have to be frozen and then shipped halfway across the world. I remember when I first gave a mango to my son a few years ago he would not have anything to do with it. Now it is a whole different story. Instead of asking for ice cream or cookies he asks for mango. They are also a lot cheaper here. I bought 20 mangoes for about 50 cents. In fact when we walk through the forest here on the bank of the Jalangi we run into mango trees all of the time. These trees are decorated with an abundance ripe mangoes. Actually many of the trees here give some kind of fruit or flower ( leechi, coconut trees, banana trees, jasmine, gardenia and many others) Everyday we offer Gaura-Nitai 15 or 20 mangoes and then distribute them to friends.

Once Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu planted a Mango seed here in Godrumadwipa. The tree grew immediately and contained fully ripe mangoes from the beginning. Not only that but these mangoes had no seed or skin. One mango from this tree would fully satisfy one materially and spiritually.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jay!!!


Sunday, May 11, 2008


Mayapura Dhama Broadcasting Center (MDBC)
Mayapur channel.
This is the link...http://youtube.com/Mayapurvision

For those of you who would like to view some glimpses of Mayapur life you will really appreciate this site.

I have imbedded a sample clip here. This clip is a short presentation of the school where I serve-Sri Mayapur International School (SMIS).

I guess while I am it I can say a few words about the school. It serves grades preschool through 12th Grade. Some of the students live in the ashram and others simply take the day school option. The campus is sattvic and always infused with educational and spiritual energy. One of the first things that I noticed when I started working here is how the older kids spontaneously have bhajan together during their breaks
I teach in the high school section of the school along with 5 or 6 other full time teachers. Additionally we have many local residents that come to share some of their knowledge and talents.
We use the prestigious Cambridge curriculum for the higher grades so that when they graduate they at least have an option to further their education at either a western university or the Bhaktivedanta College. The curriculum gives a lot of freedom for the teacher to deliver the content in a variety of fashions. We , of course, heavily stress the spiritual (vedic) view while delivering our lessons. We are also working with the Cambridge system to make our Bhakti Sastri curriculum officially part of the Cambridge system. While we do transmit basic facts and knowledge typical of high school curriculum, we primarily encourage kids to develop thinking skills, social skills and the ability to make mature informed decisions. It is our conviction that if the students are able to experience positive impressions early in their spiritual lives then they will be able to make mature choices about their spiritual and occupational lives in the future.

Personally this without a doubt the most satisfying service I have ever performed. The fact that we are able to daily serve these bright students gives us a sense of being a part of our spiritual preceptors' mission. By the way now that I have your attention, if you have ever had a desire to come and teach in this enchanting land of Mayapur and to serve the Vaisnava youth we are always looking for new teachers and facilitators to come on board. If you are interested please drop me a note at gaura.nitai.rns@gmail.com .Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!


